Our Curtain e-locker is an all-round solution, not only it can apply to the share drive, but it also can extend and apply to different systems and applications. For example, PDM, PLM, ERP, DMS and even Self-developed Systems.
CCTV surveillance systems are used in different kinds of properties, including residential, industrial, commercial and retail. Authorized security staff will access CCTV systems for review. They will also export CCTV footage to USB thumb drive and send it to headquarter when needed. Since CCTV footage involves personal privacy and it could be very sensitive, Curtain e-locker can enhance the security of existing CCTV systems.
After implementing Curtain e-locker to protect sensitive CCTV footage files, users could not take the files out of the company without management authorization. Moreover, the administrator can enforce the display of an on-screen watermark for some specific applications (e.g. CCTV players) and users. The content of on-screen watermark is self-defined. It can contain login user information, in order to prevent users to take picture/video and share the information with the public. It greatly enhances the data security of those CCTV files.
Many manufacturing companies are using Product lifecycle management (PLM) / Product data management (PDM) system to manage their data, processes, and business systems throughout the entire lifecycle of a product efficiently and cost-effectively, from ideation, design and manufacture, through service and disposal.
However, when authorized users access the data stored in the system, the data can be leaked out of the company. The demo movie shown here demonstrate how Curtain e-locker works with PLM/PDM system to enhance the data security. Under Curtain e-locker protection, users can open/edit files in allowed areas. Files cannot be saved, exported, sent to external parties if it is not allowed.

ERP system is one of the core IT systems in a company. It stores many business data in the system, from financial reports to bill of materials. Most data/report is classified as confidential. If the information is leaked to competitors, it may be harmful to the company.
Curtain e-locker has been integrated to ERP systems. Authorized users can do what they need to do. However, they cannot save/export/send/print the information out without management authorization.

Document management system (DMS) is used to track, manage and store documents with capability of versioning control and history tracking. The system can greatly increase the speed of data flow within organization.
However, when huge amount of electronic documents are stored centrally, definitely security is a concern. How to prevent unauthorized usage of the documents become a challenge. With Curtain e-locker protection, management can control users how to use the documents. They cannot copy/download/send the documents to unauthorized locations. Here are some examples DMSs with Curtain e-locker integrated.
- Curtain e-locker with IBM Lotus Domino Document Manager
- Curtain e-locker with IBM Lotus Notes Database
- Curtain e-locker with IBM Lotus Notes Database (Web-based)
- Curtain e-locker with Windows File Server
- Curtain e-locker with Microsoft SharePoint
- and more…
For Self-Developed System
We have been helping many companies to integrate security functions of Curtain e-locker to their own systems. If you need further information, please contact us.