

Curtain e-locker at Hong Kong Computer & Communication Festival 2017

Coworkshop to showcase Curtain e-locker at Hong Kong Computer & Communication Festival 2017 Date: 25 - 28 August 2017 Time: 10:00pm – 21:30pm Venue: R09, Hall 1D, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Wan Chai, Hong Kong Exhibitor: Asta Systems Limited and Coworkshop Solutions.   Photos:

By |Aug 31st, 2017|latest-news|Comments Off on Curtain e-locker at Hong Kong Computer & Communication Festival 2017

Seminar “Business Document and Credit Risk Management” in Hong Kong

27 July 17 – Seminar on "Business document and credit risk management” in Hong Kong Date: 27 July 2017 Time: 2:30pm – 5:30pm Venue: 12/F, Harbour Crystal Centre, 100 Granville Road, TST East, Kowloon, Hong Kong Organizers: The Hong Kong Electronic Industries Association Limited, Coworkshop Solutions, CRIF, Omron Electronics Asia and Novamondo Finance Ltd. As an OEM [...]

By |Jul 27th, 2017|latest-news|Comments Off on Seminar “Business Document and Credit Risk Management” in Hong Kong

Seminar “Cloud eProcurement with Curtain e-locker data protection” in Hong Kong

19 July 17 – Seminar “Cloud Enabling eProcurement and Staff Expense Automation Solution with Curtain e-locker data loss prevention” in Hong Kong Date: 19 July 2017 Time: 2:30pm – 5:30pm Venue: 20/F, Lincoln House, Taikoo Place, 979 King’s Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong Organizers: Coworkshop Solutions, CITIC Telecom, and FlexSystem Agenda: 1. CITIC Telecom CPC’s SmartCLOUD™ [...]

By |Jul 19th, 2017|latest-news|Comments Off on Seminar “Cloud eProcurement with Curtain e-locker data protection” in Hong Kong

Seminar “Smart ERP with Curtain e-locker data protection” in Hong Kong

23 June 17 – Seminar “Smart ERP with Curtain e-locker virtual WALL technology to prevent data leakage” in Hong Kong Date: 23 June 2017 Time: 2:00pm – 5:00pm Venue: Unit 1202, 12/F, Peninsula Centre, TST East, Kowloon, Hong Kong Organizers: Coworkshop Solutions Ltd, Think Technology Group Ltd Details: With virtual WALL technology, preventing data leakage from ERP [...]

By |Jun 23rd, 2017|latest-news|Comments Off on Seminar “Smart ERP with Curtain e-locker data protection” in Hong Kong

Seminar “Effectively use with TVP, improving corporation’s productivity” in Hong Kong

31 March 17 – Seminar “Effectively use with TVP, improving  corporation's productivity” in Hong Kong Date: 31 March 2017 Time: 2:00pm – 4:45pm Venue: InnoCentre, 72 Tat Chee Ave., Kowloon Tong Organizers: Intelligent CAD/CAM Technology Ltd, Coworkshop Solutions Ltd, LMHK Consultant Ltd Details: Photos:

By |Mar 31st, 2017|latest-news|Comments Off on Seminar “Effectively use with TVP, improving corporation’s productivity” in Hong Kong
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